Pink Tourmaline Bracelet
Pink Tourmaline Bracelet
Tourmaline is one of the minerals that are known to be the most protective on an energetic level and in pink it also helps us balance our inner strength.
- This bracelet is elastic with a black tire and silicone inside.
- Two stainless steel balls (so that it does not cause allergies ) one on each side of the mineral.
- A tube of pink tourmaline (each piece has its unique color and amount of tourmaline, some are whiter and others are blacker)
- Approximately 1cm x 0.90cm tube, but each piece has its size and its unique waters and shape.
Benefits of Pink Tourmaline:
It can help us balance our emotions and our emotional disorders, whether due to hormonal changes, which every woman suffers throughout our lives, the beginning of menstruation, when we become pregnant, during childbirth, during menopause or due to a disorder. psychological.
It is a very protective stone since the tourmaline family is known as very protective minerals, so this stone helps you protect your energies more and be more energetically balanced. It helps to accept the “negative” things that happen to us and to see much more clearly the positive part of everything that happens to us. It also helps us with clarity in inspiration and feminine intuition.
Muy contenta con mi pulsera y el trato al cliente, recomiendo
Mil gracias Ana por tus palabras :)
Vaig comprar dues pulseres, una per mi i una altre per a la meva filla, i les portem a diari. Ens encanten!!!
Mil gràcies María Isabel per les teves paraules :)