Día de la Mujer Trabajadora - LaMineria Artesana

Working Women's Day

Good morning!


We've always had to hear unpleasant, out-of-tone, disproportionate things... about Women, why?

Because society has not yet realized that no matter whether we are a man or a woman, we are all PEOPLE!


The truth is that we still have a lot of work to do, battles to fight but, in the end we will see a society, a world where we can have equal conditions, equality at work, in wages, in rights and obligations... IN EVERYTHING!

I consider myself a hardworking woman, always a fighter, entrepreneurial, creative, WOMAN who knows how to fend for herself, who knows what she wants... I care about things from home, electricity, furniture, painting, I do the maintenance to say somehow, hehee. My father made me help him when he did these tasks at home and... REALLY, THANK YOU PAPA! now I'm worth myself.


Having to hear from a "non-quiet" worker today we talked to your husband about this" or "if well we have to do several things but you wouldn't understand" Sorry?


I am fortunate to be with a person who values me, treats me equally, loves me for who I am with my flaws and virtues (which we all have), takes care of me and supports me in each and every one of my projects and is more, on some issues, knows that I am better and I know that he is better at others and , we know how to form a great team.

 Laia Planas, designer LaMineria Artesana

I think respect should start in every house, every family, every person. Let's respect and respect!


I will always fight and fight for my rights and opportunities, as a YES WOMAN but also as a PERSON of the society in which we live.


Today of the working woman, I want, as a WOMAN, to give to each and every one of you who do, believe and trust in me every day a GIFT!


Because today, March 8th, yes, it is meaningful for women but, because every day it is important to fight and because we would NOT have to have a day like today, going out to claim what we have for law, for equality and as people... but, we should have EQUALity, SAME RIGHTS AND EVERYTHING!!!


That is why and much more today 8th and the day of the WOMAN and morning March 9th, with your order you will have this GIFT Bracelet!


I have designed it and manufactured it especially for women, to give us strength, trust in ourselves, it helps us to increase our self-esteem, it helps us to know how to say so far, NO longer, to know that we want with more... Clarity




Like I said, it's meant for all women!

with the code: soywoman


You're going to have it for FREE with your order!!!

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