5 cristales para la protección: significado y cómo usarlos

5 crystals for protection: meaning and how to use them

Today, society is stressful, fast-paced, contaminated... It is normal to feel exhausted at the end of the day, whether due to work, social or family activities, the mass and erroneous information that our mind receives from the news or social networks. , everything is so extreme and oversaturated that it is normal to feel exhausted and exhausted at the end of the day

Today I want to tell you a little about some minerals that protect and balance us energetically and can help us feel a little better at the end of the day. It would be good to carry on us either as jewelry, as a loose stone or to have close to us as decoration.


Black tourmaline is a very strong and powerful protection stone. It absorbs and transmutes negative energy from the body, home and work environment and helps the user feel more grounded and at peace.

If you want to cleanse the energy of your home, place a piece of Tourmaline at the entrance door, in the hall. If you feel threatened or unsafe by the outside world, creating a network of crystals in your home will help. Do it with the intention of safety and protection by placing a piece of Black Tourmaline in each corner of your home or business. At work, put a tourmaline on your work table or office to protect your environment.

White Quartz

White Quartz is a versatile stone with many uses and benefits. One of its main benefits is the ease with which it dissipates negative energy and at the same time attracts positive energy. These stunning protective crystals are known to absorb, balance and enhance both physical and emotional energy.

White Quartz works best as a protective and cleansing stone when kept close to the body or in a room such as a therapy, massage, psychology center... Wearing it on the body in a necklace or earring is a great way to keep our balanced energy. To cleanse and heal our body, it may be good for us to place a quartz point a few centimeters from our head, in the 7 chakra to meditate and thus renew the energy of our entire body. You can also place this protective glass in the living room or dining room, where we spend most of our time as a family, so it will work better and improve relationships. The beauty of this stone is you can see how it works and absorbs energy with the way it cracks inside.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's eye is known to be the "evil eye" stone, it helps ward off malicious or harmful energies sent from others. It is a stone widely used in ancient times, especially as a protective amulet. It is a mineral that will help us, especially in busy work environments, in problematic families, to be well protected and to see better who we can trust and who we cannot.

If you fight against bad vibrations or energy, wearing it in the form of pendants will help you stay protected from external energies and be more aware of your surroundings. You can also wear it as a bracelet, as rings... as long as you wear it on you it will be perfect, if you can't wear any jewelry, you can put a round, a point or a pyramid on your work table, at home, at the very beginning from the front door to protect you and your space.

Tiger's Eye


Amethysts are very healing stones. Its uses range from assisting in the healing of addiction, helping to heal pain, and of course to protect from negative energies. Amethyst is especially good to wear when you have been around a lot of people or spend most of the day around a lot of people. If you have been in places with large crowds and are feeling a little exhausted and overwhelmed, then using a protective and cleansing stone like Amethyst may help.

If you want to protect yourself from negative energies while in a crowd or in a public place, wearing amethyst in a necklace will keep negativity at bay. Place a piece of amethyst in a room to cleanse and improve its energy. Using, for example, a druse will also help you clean other minerals that you may have, leaving them on for a few hours. It is a very powerful mineral and should be taken into account to have around.



It is a protective and very healing mineral. It helps us clean, heal and protect any space where we have selenite placed, in addition to healing us and protecting those who are close to it.

It is a powerful mineral in which placed as decoration, a lamp , a safata or a piece will help us to "heal" the space, whether it is a room, a consultation room, a business... and all those who spend hours in the place.


Any of these protective and healing minerals can give you peace of mind and help you feel calmer, safer and more relaxed. Protection stones are much more than just stones, they are a living matter that carries energy to use for our benefit.

If you want to try any of these minerals, you have a special discount to get one of my designs :) if you like them

With this code: proteccionlma


➡ GO NOW ⬅


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🖖🏾 Excelente, me encanta y me interesa mucho el tema me gustaría saber más; costos y como adquirir las piedras…
Aprender más de ellas y sus bondades para la salud.
Estoy muy agradecida por compartir tan importante información. DIOS nos Bendice 👽 🌺

Yadira Parra

Lindo mensaje en cuanto a las piedras quiero saber precios y dónde se pueden comprar gracias Bendiciones

Excelente mensaje en cuanto las piedras me interesa los precios donde se pueden pedir gracias Bendiciones

Excelentes comentarios sobre estas piedras energéticas. Muchas gracias.


Me ha encantado

José Ignacio

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