Good morning!
Today I want to start writing again, every few weeks, on the Blog to be able to explain little things that may be of interest to you and that many of you ask me :)
I want to start by explaining to you how these two tools that have become so fashionable and that are so unknown to many work.
Rollers and GuaShas are tools that have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for many decades. Today they are known for their functions as facial care, but they are also very beneficial for our entire body.
How does the Roller work?
Its operation is very simple but its benefits are enormous for our body and our energy.
We just have to roll the roller across our face, especially around our eyes, always in the direction of the ears or neck. On the face I use the small side of the roller for comfort, but you can use the side that works best for you. One of the main objectives is to improve lymphatic drainage and activate proper blood circulation.
One thing that is not so fashionable but that works great for me is to use the roller to massage my entire body, legs, arms and back to relax my muscles and at the same time, my mind by spending a little while doing the massage 😊
How does the GuaSha work?
In traditional Chinese medicine, Gua means scratching and Sha means redness, and it is used as a holistic and therapeutic method of beauty and health.
The GuaShas are not as relaxing as the roller but they are more effective in our body if we want to decontract, relax and activate all the blood circulation.
When my arms hurt from working so much (which is very often) I spend the GuaSha making them relax and I have to say that I have noticed it a lot!
To use the GuaSha correctly we will always have to go in a straight line when doing the massage and, following this order: from feet to fingers, from hands to shoulders, from head to shoulders or head to ass :)
Each of these tools can be found today in many different minerals and each one can provide you with even more depending on the properties of the mineral. The ones I like the most and are the ones I have and use are rose quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli and onyx. Thus, depending on what I am, one or the other mineral calls me and brings the benefits of the mineral to my body, my mind and my emotions.
I always try everything we make or sell and, in these I give you my personal opinion after many years already using these two tools, and I am not one to do a care routine every day, the truth is that sometimes I don't even remember I put on moisturizer but, I have these two tools in the shower/bathtub and at least once a week I apply the roller or the GuaSha without fail and, believe me when I tell you that my skin the day I do it is a tad better than color.
Go ahead and try! At least you will relax for a few minutes from all the daily stress...