Quartz is a mineral that is abundant in the terrestrial layer of planet Earth. In almost all countries we can find white quartz, or amethyst, or citrine, or pink, or green... there is a great variety of quartz, but the one that is most We will find and the one that can bring us the most benefit is white quartz or rock crystal.
This mineral is a powerful stone to wear every day as an amulet and healer.
In one of the ways that we can best carry on our body or to work on a therapeutic level in doubly terminated pointe.
What are white Quartz points and what are they used for?
White quartz points are powerful energy channelers. They cleanse and channel the energy of our body, regenerating our energy and thus balancing it.
Why are they so popular?
White quartz points are popular because it is one of the minerals that we can find the most in this form since, in their raw natural state when we find them in the earth, they are pieces of raw points. Its natural form is already very beautiful in itself, and since it is such a powerful and "wild card" mineral for us, it is ideal to always carry with you, hence its popularity.
Where do white Quartz points come from?
Quartz, as I mentioned previously, is one of the most common minerals on planet Earth. We can surely find White Quartz a few km from home, here in Spain for example there are several communities where it is found but on a small scale of exploitation or not at all.
On the other hand, there are many countries or continents such as the USA, Australia, South America, Asia... in which we can find large-scale exploitations of white quartz and other types of quartz and which are exporters of 80% / 90% of quartz that we find today.
How are white quartz points made?
Like any mineral, with an expert hand the mineral is polished until the desired shape is achieved, in the white quartz points, as the mineral itself is, many times, in the shape of a point, it is necessary to polish and finish giving it a perfect shape. mineral, that does not mean that they are hours of careful and loving work.
What benefits does white quartz have?
Luckily today a large part of the population is within reach of any need or whim and we can all benefit from its properties and its form.
White quartz is a powerful healer and for me, a great "wild card" for our body, our emotions and our energy. Quartz is a mineral that will work on our entire body, balancing all the energy, cleansing it and healing our entire body from head to toe.
This mineral is ideal to always carry with you and if it is in tip form you increase its benefits because the tip will better channel the energy of our entire body.